Lactation Room Locations

Find the privacy and security you need from the list below.

Will County Court Annex

Will County Court Annex
57 N. Ottawa St.
Joliet, IL. 60432

Lactation room located on the 2nd floor, across from the Clerk’s reception area. 
The lactation room is available during normal business hours 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
For assistance, or help finding the location please contact security who is located near the front entrance on the first floor.

Will County Courthouse

Will County Courthouse
14 W. Jefferson St.
Joliet, IL. 60432

Lactation room located on the 3rd floor to the left of courtroom # 304, north/east corner.
The lactation room is available during normal business hours 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
For assistance, or help finding the location please contact security who is located near the front entrance on the first floor.

Bolingbrook Branch Court

Bolingbrook Lactation Room
(located off the main courtroom, near the Judge's chamber)
Bolingbrook Branch Court
375 W. Briarcliff Rd. 
Bolingbrook, IL 60440

Available when local court is in session. For use, contact the Bailiff, the Circuit Clerk, or the Local Prosecutor.

For more information please contact:
Village of Bolingbrook Police Department
Deputy Chief of Police Michael Rompa

River Valley Justice Center

River Valley Justice Center
3200 McDonough St.
Joliet, IL. 60431

Lactation room located in the 2nd-floor lobby, north/east side, court waiting area.
The lactation room is available during normal business hours 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
For assistance, or help finding the location please contact security who is located near the front entrance on the first floor.

Frankfort Township Old Town Hall

Frankfort Township Old Town Hall 
11008 W. Lincoln Highway
Frankfort, IL 60423

The room will be available anytime it is utilized. The Frankfort Township Old Town Hall, where Traffic Court is held, the lactation room is located on the main floor, adjacent to the courtroom.  There is signage outside of the room. You can contact Karen Gonzalez at Frankfort Township at 815-469-4907.

Plainfield Branch

Plainfield Law Enforcement Center
1st Floor, Room 121
14300 Coil Plus Drive, Plainfield, IL  60544
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The lactation room is located next to the Records Department on the first floor of the Plainfield Law Enforcement Center.  The lactation room can be reserved in advance prior to your arrival at the Plainfield Branch Court. 

Contact Person:  Yvonne Zambrano, Records Supervisor; (815) 439-2928. 

Wilmington City Hall

Council Chambers
1165 S Water Street
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Please contact Joie Ziller at 1-815-476-2175 or jziller@wilmington-il.com.