The Office of the Chief Judge is located on the 4th Floor of the Will County Courthouse, 14 W. Jefferson Street, Room 439, Joliet, IL 60432. The Chief Judge is elected by the Circuit Judges for the purpose of overseeing the many administrative functions of the Judicial Branch. The Chief Judge has the responsibility of overseeing the Judicial Branch of the 12th Judicial Circuit Court. He / she does not instruct other judges on how to rule on matters within their courtrooms.
The Office of the Chief Judge also accepts requests to waive the payment of fees to the Circuit Clerk's office (poor person's petitions), requests for judges to perform wedding ceremonies, adoption records requests, and requests for special assistance pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Persons requesting these services should take the elevator to the 4th floor of the Will County Courthouse, exit to your right and look for the signs denoting the office. Personnel will be available to assist you with these matters.
The Trial Court Administrator reports to and assists the Chief Judge with the management of these administrative functions. The Chief Judge cooperatively works with but does not manage other offices such as the Circuit Clerk, State's Attorney and Sheriff. These offices are administered by independently elected officials.To contact the Office of the Chief Judge, please call (815) 727-8540.